
elementary school photo essay; Earthquake lessons

[via U. Colorado Teaching East Asia newsletter]

The Japan Forum. Yuta and Minami is a new webpage from the Japan Forum. It includes 43 annotated photos of the home life of two Japanese elementary students, Yuta and Minami Tanaka.  Through these photos, students can see and learn about contemporary Japanese children's daily lives including meals, school life, and hobbies. For more information, visit www.tjf.or.jp/shogakusei/yutaandminami/index_en.html.
Great East Japan Earthquake Link. Launched by The Japan Forum, this link features teacher resources for Japanese language as well as social studies teachers. In many Japanese classes at elementary, junior high, and senior high schools around the world, students are currently undertaking fundraising and other activities to help victims of the quake and tsunami. In this blog, The Japan Forum shares messages and ideas received from teachers participating in such projects with their students.  To view, click http://ameblo.jp/tjf2011/.

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