
one year anniversary 3.11 disasters

:: Set of articles at japanfocus.org

Christopher S. Thompson,

Alyne Elizabeth Delaney,

:: Several related events:

1. STS (Science and Technology Studies) Forum on Fukushima,http://fukushimaforum.wordpress.com/conferences

2. Tohoku Tsunami debris flow animation‏, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17122155

4. more pictures: Eleven months after the tsunami and earthquake ravaged Japan,http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2012/02/311-2.php

5. Symposium and art exhibition about the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan.
The Fire that Doesn't Go Out, Exhibition Organizing Committee, Exhibition: March 1-30, The Fire that Doesn't Go Out will open on March 1st, 7:00 p.m., at The Baron Gallery in the East College Street Development, Oberlin. There will be a showing of Misato Yugi's video animation, Red Dot Radiation Art, with a live score by the Cleveland group, SINUU. On March 8, the Art Department will host talks by Ellen Johnson Visiting Artists, Yuichiro Nishizawa (at noon in the Baron Gallery) and elin o'Hara slavick (at 7:00 p.m. in Hallock Auditorium).
For a schedule of events and more information on the exhibit, please go to our blog at:http://unendingfire.tumblr.com,

The symposium, Fukushima: Lessons Learned?, will be held on March 9 and 10 in the Norman C. Craig Lecture Hall. The symposium will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 9 with a memorial for the victims of the Tohoku disaster by Leading Edge Speaker, Akira Tashiro, the award-winning editor and reporter for the Hiroshima-based Chugoku Shimbun. This will be followed by a keynote address, Dilemmas of Nuclear Energy, delivered by Dr. Kennette Benedict (OC '69), publisher of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. After a break for dinner, the first panel, Compound Catastrophe and Nuclear Aftermath, will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Detailed information about the symposium schedule and speakers is online athttp://shansi.oberlin.edu/fukushima-lessons-learned.

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